Hello everyone! Welcome to the 112th issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. This week, we have some more work from Idyllic on various Capital systems, including newly updated effects and work on Capital-Fighter interactions. Legomadamada has continued work on asteroid field generation, with progress in differing biomes. Also, coding work from Idyllic on a feature that has been on hold for quite some time, and news about lordrex's mighty battle. In preparation for upcoming work involving the mixing of the two groups of ships into the chaos of combat, Idyllic began adding a few new features to capital ship builds. Namely, holographic displays highlighting hangar bay doors on Capital ships, for when fighters need to land and restock, or when the battle is won and it's time to return to base. Because of the modular nature of ship classing, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to marking out hangar doors on ships themselves, but by using a common display system that lights up when a fighter gets close to a friendly ship, new pilots will find it much easier to land on a carrier vessel. While working with graphics, Idyllic decided it was about time to update the default engine effects used on the Avenger. Since forever ago, they've been composed of two different particle emitters, and one was a weird triangle and circle decal that looked really weird. So that had to go. Now it's a much more refined and pleasing particle effect that most players will have to look at 90% of the time while cruising the stars and dodging asteroids. Speaking of asteroids, Legomadamada has continued with system asset generation, bringing in a variety of asteroid biome assets that were created by Danthein and Heromaster such a long time ago. Smaller tweaks include more ellipsoid than square now, and have a lovely clustering tendency to keep things interesting while you're out mining the starways. No more will asteroid fields be evenly distributed rocks that turn mining into a boring and tedious exercise - it's up to you to choose whether to clear the fringes completely, or dive into the center where maneuvering gets tough and you might not make it out alive. From dusty fragments of worlds to molten chunks of irradiated mass, these different types of asteroids will keep miners busy. Spawning all over the galaxy, and with exclusive minerals contained within, the perfect place to start a mining corporation. He also did some tests with spawning debris fields using the same code, but it'll need further tweaking to make it look right, right now it's spawning way too many aerial dishes to look realistic... But it should be a nice addition to main hull wrecks we'll be spawning in space. For quite a while now, there has been code in the Capital flight system that deals exclusively with collisions. With Capital ships the system needed to be a bit more complex - one stud fighters should bounce off of pretty much everything without leaving a mark, but when it comes to sometimes tremendous Capital ships, a bit more math was required, as usual. Things bigger than your ship have the traditional boing response to your collision, while objects like rocks and debris smaller than you don't. If possible we'd love to move the smaller things out of the way, but if that's reasonable remains to be seen. We know you've waited in anticipation all week, and we have good news about lordrex and that mighty bug he was facing down last week. Effecting the replication system, it was an important bug to both diagnose and fix, and he managed to quash it with great skill. With that challenge completed, he can now move forward with more exciting features. Since we debuted the RoVerse wiki to the public last week, we've had quite a few new pages popping up for all sorts of applicant factions, subfactions, and organizations. One page in particular we'd like to highlight is the Faction Politics page, where you can track the assumed status of faction to faction relations throughout the galaxy. All sorts of different groups are already set up, with variations in style from naturally hostile xenophobes to a web of alliances, with only room to expand into the future with all sorts of different political affiliations. No more do clans have to follow the same format with varying levels of aggression, now you can be whoever you want to be, and act however you want your faction to act. Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: Will players be able to purchase personal residences on planets or elsewhere? A1: An early newsletter mentioned rentable apartments on stations, but never saw any advancement beyond that since then. Personal spaces aren't at the top of our list of features, but it's definitely on there. If that means that we allow landmark teleports to personally-held places, or something more complex in-game, remains to be seen. Q2: Will there be any big role-play supporting mechanics early on? A2: With all the work that factions are going to developing their own style and personality, it would be a waste to lock players into ships permanently, where they can't get a chance to express themselves. I would expect that stations would be hubs of activity for roleplay purposes, as well as faction locations on planets later on. If you have any specific requests, we can try and work them in. Q3: What sort of options do ships have for fast travel? A3: There was some confusion in the community discord that I'd like to clarify - jumpgates are placed on wormholes, that allow near-instantaneous transport billions of kilometers from system to system. Within systems, a 'jump drive' type option will be available to move between landmark locations within a system. If a faction chooses to call this movement something else, like gravity drive or FTL, that is up to them, but the mechanics are the same. Q4: Will there be logistics ships? A4: A class like that is still up in the air. If we can find enough uses for them, or capital combat requires them, then we'll look to adding ships that boost stats of nearby vessels. It's possible that we might encourage fleet formations by applying these effects, without requiring non-combat role ships in already restrictive server counts. Q5: How will repairing work in-game? A5: Energy-driven shields are your first and most flexible line of defense against attacks, and recover from damage relatively quickly. Armor plating can be repaired with consumables like 'droid workers' and recover some hull health, but not 100%. Over time damage will accumulate, requiring a ship to return to a friendly station for full repair, encouraging effective placement of Shipyard stations for maintaining fleets. Q6: What ships can we store in Capital ships? A6: Our guess at this point, anything you can fit. A while ago when we put together our rough calculations spreadsheet, we factored in mid-range kitting for hangar space to see what sort of reasonable numbers we could come up with. Since our capacity calculations are based directly on ship volume, there is no way a ship larger than yours could pop out the hangar doors, which also means that XXXL ships could theoretically hold an L within them, itself with a fleet of fighters at its disposal. Is this the most viable combat strategy? We'll see. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! Comments are closed.
January 2023
AuthorsVaktus: Leader of the Vaktovian Empire and head of the RoVerse Project |