Hello everyone! Welcome to the fifteenth issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week! This week is a very special one indeed with the opening of our own web page (kudos to LordRex for setting it up!) where all of our future newsletters will be posted from now on. This site should be very helpful to anyone looking to learn more about RoVerse and get more in touch with our development progress. Now let's get to showing you our progress over the past week - we've got quite unique ship for you today, probably one of the most unique designs out of all the civilian ship lines and certainly the most technological: Plenty of work being done on not only space-based weapons of mass destruction but the ground FPS portion of RoVerse too: And what are all these powerful weapons worth without stuff to blow up with them? Fear not, for we have many environments planned for the galaxy of RoVerse: But when you're looking for a more long-term goal instead, there's a vastness of opportunities waiting for you when you can build your own refinery and start a mining corporation! For that you'll be needing a hydroponics section in your station complex for a renewable source of oxygen and food: The connection arms you'll use to bridge the sections of your station together have been refurbuished and expanded as well: We've mentioned before how the scripting side of RoVerse is by far the most important and challenging part, yet the milestones we reach in our coding can't truly be depicted properly in these newsletters like the building work can. PlanckTheConstant has been a huge part of this scripting work and thanks to him we hope to have the Dogfight Alpha out at the end of the month if all goes according to plan. There's a lot of maths required for the features we're implementing and though we can't share all of the coding with you, we can however give you this insight into the sort of equations Planck has been coming up with: Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall, so be sure to join if there's something you'd like to ask about RoVerse: https://www.roblox.com/Groups/Group.aspx?gid=2948290 Q1: Will there be new star systems coming out through time expanding the RoVerse universe? A1: For most of the time after RoVerse first comes out the current galaxy map will be more than enough however we fully intend on expanding the game with new star systems as the playerbase grows and the factions gain more territory. Q2: What's the estimated date that RoVerse is expected to open? A2: It's difficult to say at this time, we were hoping to have most of the game finished by Christmas however due to school/college/university/jobs most of our developers have had to cut down their activity times dramatically. We're optimistic about our rate of progress increasing as the school year goes on and things settle down in real life but for now we can only make a very vague estimate of sometime during the Summer, Spring at the earliest. Q3: The max player limit per server that ROBLOX can have is 100, since each team could only get 50 people each that means that only a fraction of the group could participate. How do you plan on allowing all group members to participate in these events? Also, could you explain how the star system campaigns will be structured? A3: When it comes to the official battles that count towards whether an invasion succeeds or not, there will be many chances for different members to take part due to multiple of these battle occurring at many different times of day throughout the week, the wins of both sides are then tallied up at the end of that week and the side with the most wins gains control of that star system. Another reason why all members of a group get to take part is because players will need to travel to the system where the battle is taking place each time they respawn at one of their stations. This means players queued to join a full server will get a chance to enter as members of their group get destroyed. Q4: What will be the access for Pre-Alpha? Free for everyone? Group only? Certain people? Paid? A4: Everyone will be able to play the Dogfight Alpha for free, however players will be able to earn points for kills and wins, these are used to purchase new ships and weapons. This will mean that only the dedicated and experienced players get to try out more of the game's content and these players will be more likely to inform us about problems they notice compared to people just trying it out. That just about wraps up this week's newsletter, we hope you enjoy our new setup for these weekly newsletters and feel free to subscribe to get an email notification whenever a new post is uploaded!
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January 2023
AuthorsVaktus: Leader of the Vaktovian Empire and head of the RoVerse Project |