Hello everyone! Welcome to the thirty-second issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we’ve made over the past week! This week, a lot of our developers have been incredibly busy at work building and scripting, and we have a few pictures for you guys this week! Galbotrix did a lot of work on the Industrial station interior this week, and has done a lot of definition on how each room will function! Above is the docking bay, where forklifts and various other vehicles will be stored for maintaining the various operations around the industrial station’s interior, as well as a place to transport all of the vital merchandise! And we have the command center (above) where the industrial foremen can monitor all of the operations in the station, and make a last stand should filthy pirates choose to board the station! Idyllic has been incredibly busy with interviews this week, however he did manage to get the first version of the pirate shipyards done, and plans on refining it much more for next week! Those pesky pirates are always finding ways to innovate their bases, and these cleverly hidden shipyards are only one of many deadly stealth camouflage base extensions that the pirates will employ! Asteroid fields will be a much deadlier place. Onigo has been working heavily on the Dogfight Alpha’s flight systems, which will be including a “kill-cam” that tracks the player who kills you. He is also working on a persistent point system, where players will be rewarded credits for their kills, which can be spent on unlocking new ships and upgrading player loadouts. His work so far has been very exciting, and we look forward to seeing it roll out into the Dogfight Alpha very soon! Sae’Tzar has been working heavily on ships this week, but unfortunately his work is carrying on into next week, so we will have pictures for you guys next week! We’re very sorry for the shorter newsletter this week. School, work, and life in general has had many of us bogged down, especially with finals coming up for some of us! We hope to have a lot more to show you guys next week, and we are very happy to have the continued support of our lovely community! Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: Will there be a squad deploy system? A1: Yes - you will be able to band together with your friends into a party, giving each player in your party will be able to communicate with one another through the party com channel. When you’re in a party, you will also have the ability to enter servers together, however there will be a limit for how many players can be in a single party. Q2: Will mobile spawn points be a thing? A2: Yes they will! Carriers will play this role in RoVerse, as they will allow players in fighter class ships to respawn from them instead of the last station they docked at. This will make carriers a very important part of faction warfare. Q3: Will there be hybrid vehicles? A3: For the most part vehicles will be classed by their role/function, this will decide what sort of firepower, speed and defences they possess. However when a faction creates a vehicle, they will be able to choose what sort of stats it will have, so some vehicles may blur the lines between the different vehicle types. An example of this would be a heavy fighter that sacrifices firepower to have agility like a medium fighter. Q4: Can frigates carry other vehicles? A4: Interesting question! Large vessels like freighters and carriers will be able to carry vehicles in their cargo hold, this will be how invasion forces will land their ground vehicles on a planet’s surface. Once a vessel stocked with vehicles in its cargo hold successfully lands on a planet, players of that faction will be able to spawn their own vehicles from it at the cost of vehicles from the vessel’s cargo. Q5: Will clans receive their tech back with scripts after submitting it for scripting? A5: Most, if not all, of the scripts in RoVerse are interconnected and heavily dependent on each other. Due to this, it would be extremely difficult to script specific clan tech and make it independently functional. It should be noted though, that we will be giving clans the means to train their members with RoVerse tech, this will likely be done through a specifically designated training area. Q6: Will there be planetary / grounds shields? A6: Cities will be protected from orbital bombardment by massive dome energy shields, which need to be disabled by ground-forces before invading forces can attack the cities themselves. As for shields which protect the entire planet - this is something we have in mind for protecting new clans from invasion when they are too new to the game to be prepared for any large scale invasions, however we can definitely see planetary shields being a late-game technology for advanced civilizations. Q7: Can you replace clan technology with new technology over time? A7: Clans will only be submitting their builds to represent their architecture and design style - these submissions would not include any scripts. The actual technology that will be used for RoVerse will be made by our scripters specifically for the game. This way we will be able to ensure the scripts of RoVerse are as optimized and sophisticated as possible whilst also being compatible with the different designs clans submit for their technology. Q8: Will there be a strategic method to the location of planetary bases, or will be relying on an established meta? A8: The terrain surrounding a player base will be of great importance, it can mean the difference between security and destruction. Not only that, but some players may want their bases to remain a secret, deep within a jungle, whilst others may wish to set up a popular trading post which is close to many cities and easy to land at. Q9: Can factions have different types of fighters? (Like heavy fighters, light fighters, etc.) A9: Of course! Factions can have as many ships as they are able to design and fund the production of. Q10: Will there be different warp effects? (Like Homeworld, with different visual effects, power costs, and time required to complete a warp) A10: Good question - warp drives will likely have the same base visual effect, but clans will be able to decide on the colour and special effects of the warp drives they produce. As for the fuel cost of using a warp drive, it will depend on the distance of the destination. Q11: Will you be able to spy on planets with spy satellites? A11: Factions will indeed be able to construct tiny sensor arrays which will grant radar coverage of the local area. The strategic placement of sensor arrays can give factions a big edge over opponents in a war, especially if one is placed secretly near an active enemy stronghold. Q12: Will large ship carcasses, like iconic flagships, become a permanent part of the landscape when they crash on a planet or are destroyed in orbit? A12: Destroyed capital ships will leave a permanent wreck at their location until it is eventually dismantled by scavengers bit by bit. Due to performance cost, there will be a limit on how many capital ship wrecks can exist in one area though. We really hope you enjoyed reading about our weekly progress, and we are really excited to share these newsletters each week! You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! ~Written by Aleuvian ~Edited by Vaktus Comments are closed.
January 2023
AuthorsVaktus: Leader of the Vaktovian Empire and head of the RoVerse Project |