Frequently Asked Questions
The following is a selection of the most frequently asked questions about RoVerse and it's development.
Q1: What is RoVerse?
A1: RoVerse is an open-world space exploration and combat game with a persistent faction component tied to Roblox groups, with a wide variety of activities for both the solo player and the faction grunt to undertake to buy better equipment, increase their faction's influence, or tear down the work of others. Combat happens primarily in space, with fighters and capital ships engaging with enemy fleets for control of systems, a demo of which is currently available here. Further updates will include planetary combat, with vehicles and ground installations. Faction conflict is persistent - a faction conquering a star system has control of that system only as long as they can keep it secure. Invasion and battle has a real, physical outcome beyond what the current base raiding system allows. There will be no question who won the war, if one faction emerges victorious from battles across the stars.
Q2: When will RoVerse release?
A2: RoVerse has not set an official release date, as we prefer to get the game working before releasing to the public to ensure the best experience for everyone. You can follow our newsletters for weekly updates on development work, either through our twitter account or this website, talk with developers first-hand via our discord, or check in periodically by checking the roadmap.
Q3: What are factions?
A3: Factions are the RoVerse extension of a Roblox group, like VAK or WIJ. After a faction is created in-game, they will have picked a Capital planet from which to expand their empire to the stars. Direct fleets of ships to attack nearby territory, escort cargo ships carrying resources to faction stations, or protect your borders from intruders and pirates. A distinct feature of RoVerse is that factions get to create their own lines of ships, stations, and weapons - rather than rely on default or developer created designs, each faction can create ships that truly fit their style. A VAK fighter, for example, could be sleek and black, while a WIJ ship could be their iconic grays and blue. And you don't have to worry about scripting anything! We're designing our systems to work with as many submitted models as we want, so you can have your own ships, but keep the field fair.
Q4: What are subfactions?
A4: Subfactions are the smaller, more varied collections of players. Unable to claim territory on the galactic scale, these groups can function as bands of pirates, harassing cargo lines and transport ships, corporations set up to provide security forces for a host faction, or manufacturing conglomerates to sell their unique ships. If you don't have enough members to form a large faction, running a subfaction is the way to go - and if you expand your power enough, you may just be able to make the jump to full Faction status!
Q5: How many star systems are there?
A5: There are 220 star systems available to be conquered, spread out across 7 sectors, each with their own unique atmosphere and resources. A map of the known galaxy can be found here.
Q6: What can solo players do?
A6: Solo players will have just as much fun as a hardline faction member. The mining and resource gathering mechanics will function the same for everyone, though it might be easier with a team watching your back - it is recommended you join a faction, but not required. The truly dedicated may even be able to gather enough resources and influence to construct their own outpost, form a subfaction, and rule their own little corner of the galaxy from there.
Q7: What occupations will there be?
A7: There will be a wide variety of occupations for players in RoVerse. Resource collection is an important action for factions looking to expand their borders - lower ranking members will finally find purpose in mining resources for the war effort. Building structures and ships will require resources like iron and steel that are gathered by mining, and Asteroid fields spread throughout systems will be full of these materials to be collected by faction members, or solo players who then sell them to factions. Other important occupations will include cargo transport, to ship resources from their source to shipyard stations, security forces to protect convoys, and personnel transport to move soldiers and civilians to different destinations. Within factions there will be innumerable jobs to do, from directing fleets to battle, negotiating trade with foreign empires, to managing station expansion and operation, as well as the usual soldiers sent to war.
Q8: Will RoVerse be pay-to-win or pay-to-play?
A8: Absolutely not. For a fair and even faction battlefield to work, all players must be on a level playing field. There will be no purchase of currency to bypass resource collection nor unlocks for better ships or weapons. The only monetization will be aesthetics, ship skins and the like, that don't effect gameplay in any way.
Q9: What is RoVerse's lore?
A9: RoVerse intentionally has very little backstory. We want the faction conflicts and the history of those conflict to be the primary story of the game. Though we may hide easter eggs, or little bits of history in the game, the persistent nature of the game will far eclipse anything the developers create. Factions can each write up their own lore for their history prior to the game, where actual gameplay then becomes history. Leave your mark on the galaxy by razing dozens of systems, or unite factions in a grand alliance that lasts centuries.
Q10: How do you plan on making such an awesome game on Roblox?
A10: Our developers are some of the most talented and experienced builders and scripters in the Roblox clan world. We're dedicated to making an awesome game that everyone can play, and we can make that happen by using techniques that improve performance. One such technique is the separation of each Star system into a separate server, with the jumps between systems being a loading screen. Rather than loading in an entire galaxy all at once, players will just load into their local environment, to battle and explore as they please. We're also designing the game to have different levels of detail, as most modern games do, allowing low-end computers to run what they can, while not holding high-end computers back from a beautiful starscape.