Hello everyone! Welcome to the 293rd issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. This week, we've continued work on the code front, but we also found time to work on a few new achievement icons that will be awarded after a round - in honor of a certain urban legend that has arisen in the past week. Things on the code front are progressing well, and we've moved from getting all the code sorted and updated, to debug testing where we attempt to play the game until something breaks, fix it, then repeat. This week in the dogfight there were 109 kills, 37 with auto, 0 with beam, 0 with laser, 0 with plasma, 6 with railgun, and 66 with torpedo. The most dangerous ship was the VSa1-1_Kazan with 43 kills, followed by the SSA-3-2_Ritojin_Kai with 24. The most dangerous map was Blue_Spaceway with 66 deaths, followed by Frostland with 27. And now, the moment you've been waiting for... The three players that topped the leaderboard were FangABXY, with 80 kills and 7 deaths and a 11.42 KDR; tygrys202 with 28 kills, 34 deaths and a 0.82 KDR; and Outpost with 1 kills, 68 deaths, and a 0.01 KDR. They have unlocked the exclusive ship Radiant Corps Moonray in the Alpha Dogfight. Nice work pilots! If you'd like to check out the rest of our data, you can find the spreadsheet here: Phase 1 Data (Week 134) Calexian Community Challenge The challenges are: 10,000,000 Kill Distance, and 100 Outpost Victories Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ No questions this week - drop by #dev_questions if you have any questions about the game. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! Hello everyone! Welcome to the 292nd issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. This week, we've continued working on the reprised Capital menu, and we have the brand-new cycle reward ship to show off. Introducing the Radiant Corps Moonray: With a color scheme chosen by committee, and great stats to go with, this ship will soon become a reliable part of your arsenal. Top the leaderboard in the next 6 weeks, and it can be you and at most 20 other's exclusive ride. Work continues on the Capital menu reprisal, and as always code doesn't make great pictures. Things are slowly starting to work again, which is a very important step in getting everything to work again. This week in the dogfight there were 79 kills, 11 with auto, 35 with beam, 0 with laser, 0 with plasma, 0 with railgun, and 33 with torpedo. The most dangerous ship was the Iridium with 32 kills, followed by the VSa1-1_Kazan with 28. The most dangerous map was Blue_Spaceway with 45 deaths, followed by The_Great_Hollow with 30. And now, the moment you've been waiting for... The three players that topped the leaderboard were IdyllicDestroyer, with 32 kills and 0 deaths and a N/A KDR; FangABXY with 28 kills, 0 deaths and a N/A KDR; and Ace2554 with 11 kills, 1 deaths, and a 11 KDR. They have unlocked the exclusive ship Radiant Corps Moonray in the Alpha Dogfight. Nice work pilots! If you'd like to check out the rest of our data, you can find the spreadsheet here: Phase 1 Data (Week 133) Calexian Community Challenge The challenges are: 10,000,000 Kill Distance, and 100 Outpost Victories Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ No questions this week - drop by #dev_questions if you have any questions about the game. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! Hello everyone! Welcome to the 291st issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. This week, we've continued to work on the ship modification menu reprisal. Things are continuing well, with new code being added to fill in the unforeseen gaps in the prior code, and old, buggy systems getting entire remakes to do things in a more logical fashion - for instance, instead of passing a server-requested dictionary through 8 different functions and subfunctions until it is finally used by a bit of code, we're instead just requesting that table in the function that needs it. Before, this table had to be specially delivered because the later functions wouldn't know whether it was the table for Fighters or Capitals until it got there, whereas the newer version will always know exactly which type of ship it's handling at any given time. This week in the dogfight there were 1138 kills, 21 with auto, 41 with beam, 11 with laser, 282 with plasma, 31 with railgun, and 752 with torpedo. The most dangerous ship was the Silencer with 932 kills, followed by the VSa1-1_Kazan with 155. The most dangerous map was Pillarum with 579 deaths, followed by Blue_Spaceway with 385. And now, the moment you've been waiting for... The three players that topped the leaderboard were tygrys202, with 532 kills and 0 deaths and a N/A KDR; Phaytox with 294 kills, 29 deaths and a 10.13 KDR; and FangABXY with 184 kills, 18 deaths, and a 10.22 KDR. They have unlocked the exclusive ship Stormfront Armaments Centaur in the Alpha Dogfight. Nice work pilots! If you'd like to check out the rest of our data, you can find the spreadsheet here: Phase 1 Data (Week 133) Now, for the overall cycle stats! Pillarum was the most dangerous map, with 926 kills, followed by Blue Spaceway with 616. The top ship was the Silencer, with 1172 kills, followed by the VSa1-1 Kazan with 416, and the Ritojin Kai OH with 205. The top weapon was the Torpedo, with 1214 kills, followed by Plasma with 691, and Auto with 101. Laser marked up to 88, Beam with 71, and Railgun with 48. Overall, 26 pilots participated this cycle and earned at least one kill, while 10 players died at least once. The lowest KDR belongs to The Outpost with a .006 KDR. The dogfight has seen 8,621 visits, with an 83% approval rating (156-30) and 393 favorites. This cycle there were 1,833 kills total. Topping off this cycle's leaderboard was tygrys202, with 532 kills, 0 deaths, and a NaN KDR. He was followed by FangABXY with 491 kills, 42 deaths, and a 11.69 KDR, and Phaytox with 333 kills, 29 deaths, and 11.48 KDR. These three pilots have unlocked the exclusive Golden Centaur Skin, coming soon to a dogfight near you. If you'd like to check out the rest of our data, you can find the spreadsheet here: Phase 1 Data (Championship Series 19) Calexian Community Challenge The challenges are: 10,000,000 Kill Distance, and 100 Outpost Victories Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: Will atmospheres have bullet drop? A1: An interesting scenario that we hadn't considered just yet. Of course, it would make sense for our physical projectiles to feel the effects of gravity and atmospheric drag, so we'll have to look into how to best make that happen. Might want to avoid shooting straight up until we do. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! Hello everyone! Welcome to the 290th issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. Last week Idyllic set out to reorganize and reprise the code on the ship modification system, and is making significant progress in that area. The code now takes advantage of modulescripts for sandboxing certain common functions, and we have reduced the number of global variables getting written to and rewritten, that was causing most of our problems with phantom turrets and ghost ships. It has been quite a lesson on doing things right the first time, rather than leaving optimization and correcting things for the future. Also this week, a few members of the community helped test out the juggernaut and capital TDM rounds that will be coming soon with the Capital Update. They found a plethora of bugs that could only be found when testing with multiple people, and will help us finalize the code for these new modes. Have some pictures from their tests: We'll get these things all patched up in the coming weeks - stop by the community discord and you too can join us in testing. This week in the dogfight there were 168 kills, 0 with auto, 0 with beam, 42 with laser, 41 with plasma, 0 with railgun, and 85 with torpedo. The most dangerous ship was the Silencer with 165 kills, followed by the Excalibur with 2. The most dangerous map was Pillarum with 99 deaths, followed by Blue_Spaceway with 41. And now, the moment you've been waiting for... The three players that topped the leaderboard were pigyyyyy345, with 127 kills and 0 deaths and a N/A KDR; Phaytox with 38 kills, 0 deaths and a N/A KDR; and SaltyAnd_Sour with 2 kills, 0 deaths, and a N/A KDR. They have unlocked the exclusive ship Stormfront Armaments Centaur in the Alpha Dogfight. Nice work pilots! If you'd like to check out the rest of our data, you can find the spreadsheet here: Phase 1 Data (Week 132) Calexian Community Challenge The challenges are: 10,000,000 Kill Distance, and 100 Outpost Victories Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: Will incoming rockets/missiles be destructible, making a need and use of picket ships and Point-Defense-Weapons? A1: Indeed - flak barrages will screen Capitals from incoming missiles and torpedoes, and will be a vital part of their defenses. We'll have to consider whether auto turrets can be automated and do the same in the future. Q2: Will there be any extreme mods for ships that push them far beyond the safety limits? A2: None are planned at the moment, but that would be an interesting area to explore with research in the full game. Q3: Do ground vehicles get shields? A3: Yes they can. While they wont be ubiquitous like shields on ships are, spending 0 points in the shield category can make an armor-only vehicle, if that is your faction's preference. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! |
January 2023
AuthorsVaktus: Leader of the Vaktovian Empire and head of the RoVerse Project |