Hello everyone! Welcome to the 101st RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. This week we've delved into system generation development, in connection with lordrex's work on back-end systems, and Idyllic has moved forward with more back-end code for the Capital Update. Up first is our work on star systems. Before now, we've been working with a table of pregenerated data that simulates the star systems at a small scale for the starmap available in the lobby, where everything is saved as a location and a style. This week we pushed beyond that, identifying the proper scale for the star at the center of the systems, while maintaining proper play area around it. The extension to 100k far-clip distance has greatly improved how systems appear to the player, allowing us to create a fairly large star that players will definitely want to avoid. With the high boundary set by the star, and the low boundary set by the physical assets like ships and outposts we've already created, we could find the proper middle-ground for sizing planetary meshes. Large enough that they are impressive to even the largest of pilotable ships, while still appearing small in comparison to system stars. Hidden in the original code for the game Lobby was this lovely script that takes the angles between star systems, and figures out where the wormholes should be placed in relation to the primary star. While this demo is not exactly to scale, it demonstrates the function quite well. Those of you in the community may have heard of the new guideline for Capital ships that was mentioned - ideally all classes of Capital, excluding the XXXL superweapons should be able to fit through the standard-sized jump gate. Ships that are within 190 studs wide and tall (at 15% real-scale) will have a higher chance of being accepted as a general purpose fleet ship. For reference, here is Sphaera, the iconic wreck from the Dogfight Alpha, travelling through a gate. While faction-designed gates won't have to look like the default one, they will have to adhere to the standard wormhole size, or else you could clog up the wormhole with ships that don't fit out the other end. We took the chance to compare all the available system assets with the newly developed system scale, to ensure that outposts and spacecraft looked and felt their appropriate size, both at a distance, and while in operation by the player. Tests of all kinds were conducted, including variations on planet scale to make sure that both large and small planet sizes could be supported (planets of all the same sizes would be fairly boring), test flights of Capital ships around and between planets in a system, as well as comparisons between Capitals and other earlier-constructed assets, like Outpost modules. Here we have the test grid of outpost modules, every class of Capital and Fighter, a Star, two Planets, and a localized asteroid field. There were two extreme possibilities with the design of star systems - we could exaggerate the scale of everything, moving planets closer together and shrinking them down, allowing ships to easily fly on over to adjacent heavenly bodies, or we could attempt realism, with large spacing, fully scaled objects, and alternate transportation between the two. For our completed design, we attempted to find an appropriate middle ground between the two. Our star is .00008% the size of the actual sun, which is a fairly small star all things considered, planet spacing is scaled up from the starmap values by 50,000, and enough space between heavenly bodies that it feels like proper space, but you can still see other objects off in the distance. At this point I would like to highlight a feature mentioned quite a while ago in the FAQ section - intra-system jumping. While separate star systems are isolated from each other by numerous wormholes and jump gates that function as a loading screen, moving around between points of interest within a star system will be much more direct. Ships will be able to engage jump drives to bypass the incredible distances between objects, the void space as we like to call it, and arrive where they intend to go. While those adventurous souls may venture out into the void to meet whatever strange occurrences that may be waiting out there, anywhere you need to go in a system will be within reach with a click of a button and a firing of an engine. To better help you appreciate the scale, here is a medium Capital on a flyby of a Pirate Factory module. Outpost shipyards will be highly restrictive in comparison to their full-scale Station brethren - outpost shipyards can only construct up to Medium-class Capitals, and only a few at a time, as well as not being faction-styled. So if gigantic ships are your thing, creating a faction, or employment with one, is highly recommended. This week we've had quite a few questions from faction leaders asking about Capitals, and just how big they are. Some have drastically overestimated the allowable size, while others have slightly underestimated, so this week we'll take some time to answer a few questions. While we aren't to the point of releasing locked-in limits, like part count or weapon mount limits, we can provide some general guidelines to help you build your early Capital ship designs. The size difference between fighters and XXXL Capitals is enormous, though it will be an extremely rare occurrence in the full game. Ship sizes should tend towards the smaller end, with most pilots operating fighters and strike craft, while being supported by one or two capital ships. The largest ships available will be for pretty specific occasions, and will be a pain when it comes to upkeep, but they may happen. To better help you understand scale, Idyllic has put together this handy description. Here we have the Excalibur light fighter you all know and love, astride the Bolitho, a Small-class Capital. The Excalibur is around 1 stud long at 15% real scale, while the Bolitho is around 44. Next up we have the Avenger, measuring in at 50 studs long, placing it on the smaller end of the Medium-class. Here we have the Protector, a Large-class Capital measuring 80 studs long. Next we have a yet-unnamed Cargo vessel falling into the XL category, and measuring 210 studs in length. We're getting to the point that it's hard to see the fighter, with the Daedalus XXL Capital, measuring 240 studs long. And lastly, we have the XXXL-class, measuring in at around 1000 studs long. We hope that helps you when you're sizing up your own fleet of ships. Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: Any planned logistical/support roles for Capital ships? A1: Beyond the directly combat-related roles, we have no current plans for support ships. Carriers and repair ships, as well as ships designed for taking out shields or armor, as well as static-object ships, should provide enough variety early on. Further down the road, though, we may investigate supplying support roles if we find combat lacking. Q2: Any planned dedicated anti-capital weapons for fighters? A2: The larger classes of fighters should be able to be outfitted with anti-capital mines or bombs, that can be used extremely effectively against undefended capital ships, and you can always concentrate other weaponry on a target, while evading defensive squads or turrets. Q3: Will there be a speed difference for ships between space and in-atmosphere? A3: Yes, definitely. For capitals, controls will be much more sluggish, as well as a lower speed to compensate for pushing all that air out of the way. For fighters, we plan for much less control, especially when stationary or slow-moving, to compensate for the effectiveness of spacecraft on ground targets. Q4: Have the weaponry stats been locked in yet? Do we know which weapons will be most effective against which targets? A4: Final stats have yet to be determined, and we plan to tweak them throughout the Alpha stage. Energy weapons will primarily damage energy shields, yet still do significant damage once they break through. Kinetic weapons and their benefits and costs were described last week, but they should focus primarily on hard targets, armor plating and ground targets. Q5: Will there be AI civilians in cities? Vehicles? A5: Any AI is heavy on the server, and cuts down on how many players we can support at one time. We'd prefer to see players driving tanks and jeeps through city streets, rather than stuck in traffic on the I-5. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! Hello everyone! Welcome to the one-hundredth issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. Those of you in the Community Discord server celebrated the 100th issue milestone this past evening with a dogfight team battle to the death, with Team Idyllic taking the first match over Team Lordrex. The second round, a 2 vs. all match, left CptJaller and Arorias victorious, making them undeniably the best fighter duo around. On to progress we've made this week. A significant milestone was reached this week on back-end systems with a successful test of system loading, further design work on a crafting system and various system and faction model storage solutions. Adding to our arsenal, we now have both a conventional and railgun turret and firing mechanism, and a first-look at ship destruction and debris. Let's check it out! Up first is a demo of the object loading from a table of values pulled from our external server. Using trees rather than asteroids to better gauge how well rotation aspects are loading, the system will be used to load all user-placed, temporary, and permanent objects dependent on which system has been selected to load. Stuff like faction stations and outposts are classified as temporary, with the ability to be destroyed and removed from the table of saved locations, while objects like wormholes and stars and planets all will remain unchanged for the time being. Asteroid and debris fields will be loaded in with a randomized system, to cut down on the number of asteroid positions we have to save and load each time a server is started. Other work on backend systems this week includes the first successful transfer between the lobby, and a character's saved location in the galaxy. In the next few weeks, we should have a demo video showing the process, but for now the code is there, and it works! For those new around here, each of our 220 star systems are saved into data files like the one shown above, and when a player attempts to enter any star system, it loads up the System save file, and depending on which system the player is travelling to or loading into, loads the objects and locations that should be there. That way, we don't have to save each system and planet as an active place, or use a hack based on the createplace API. Lorenzo has created the 6th turret model of our 8-weapon feature list for the first Capital Update, the Railgun Turret. With its sleek lines, cooling fins, and matter accelerator housing, the railgun accelerates a physical projectile to incredible speeds using a directed magnetic burst, with the kinetic energy released on collision doing extreme amounts of physical damage. Designed as a higher-tier weapon that bypasses the shielding of enemy ships with a physical projectile, these turrets will be one of the more expensive and hard to obtain weapons of the game, so a ship won't likely have a full loadout like the one above. Instead, look for one or two turrets in strategic locations to do that last bit of damage after enemy shields have cycled. And finally we return to the Bolitho with its conventional turret loadout that we demoed with the early-stage Capital scripting. This time the flak mounts have been replaced with full cannons, which won't be allowed in a playable kit, but does serve to highlight the flexibility of the turret attachment system, that works with all sorts of angles and positions. The conventional Turrets boast dual barrels which alternate each shot, but unlike the missile turret, do not have individual cooldown times. Faction designs could theoretically have more barrels, but their turrets will not fire any faster, which would be a severe balancing problem, leading to an arms race to put the most barrels on every turret as possible. To prevent the two physical weapon types that ignore energy shields from becoming the default weapon type everyone uses, they will have some downsides. With a physical projectile, how the projectile hits is just as important as where it hits - a shallow angle of attack and the projectile will bounce right off. This concept is used in tank design, with angled deflecting surfaces protecting its crew better than heavier armor designed to take the full force could. To that end, railgun and conventional turret shots that have a high angle of attack will wreak significant havoc on your target - miss your mark, though, and your shot will bounce off, sailing off into the void, perhaps hitting another ship in the process. With 6/8 weapon types coded, it seemed only appropriate that we do a test of every weapon type assigned to a single ship, rather than the uniform loadouts of the past few weeks. In a concept primarily for the full RoVerse, debris fields will litter star systems as a reminder of the conflicts that have raged through the stars. These masses of scrap and fire will be prime spots for scavengers to work their magic, gathering the scattered cargo thrown from the ship when it exploded. Though not everything will survive, a faction would be wise to protect and recover their resources from downed ships in friendly sectors, though one's in hostile or neutral space might as well be considered completely lost. We plan for wrecks to remain a permanent aspect of a system, to preserve the history of the clan world beyond bases that automatically reset when the time runs out or the raiders win, to further our goal of a permanent battlefield upon which clans of every kind can fight and win with real rewards. A quick update on the status of the Capital Update - with weapon systems nearly completed, it shouldn't be too much longer before we get a playable demo out there for community members to help us test out before we go for a full public release. Highest on the list of things to do are integrate fighters and capitals, replication, and UI coding. Each week we get closer to release, and each step closer we get more excited to see the public experiencing something we've poured our hearts into over the past nearly 2 years. I'd like to especially thank everyone in our community for supporting our work through the development process. We were honest from the start that we were undertaking an ambitious project that would take a long time to complete up to our own, and everyone else's standards. We've all had a great time interacting with everyone, from losing horribly in a dogfight competition to watching you develop cool ships and faction ideas and unique ideas and pushing us to do better than we ever thought possible. As long as you're still around, we'll stick to it and get this awesome project done. I'd also like to thank all the developers who have worked with us over the past 2 years, many of whom have moved on to other projects, but have definitely left their mark where they added their expertise to a little portion of the project. Even if you're not around the project anymore, we'll keep doing our best to put your work to use, and make this game the landmark project it's always been destined to be. Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: Will different species be able to survive in different environments? A1: Generally, characters should be able to survive in quite a wide variety of environments, with only a few being damaging or dangerous, probably exclusively no-atmosphere or radioactive areas. From the high deserts to the swampy lowlands, characters should be able to survive just fine, but if a faction lore wants to name a specific zone as a preference they can, though it won't have significant gameplay influences. Q2: Will we be able to make hostile environments survivable? A2: I wouldn't look to any permanent solution to hostile environments, though you may be able to construct bio-domes or enclosed bases to keep the bad stuff out (or the good stuff in). If we make a location hard to get to, it'll be for a good reason, and it'll probably stay that way. Imagine a rough border outpost perched on a lava-fall, harvesting rare elements for sale across the galaxy. Half the fun is the danger, and pure terraforming could theoretically influence the production of luxury resources, so that wouldn't be a good idea. Q3: Will ships be able to have small animations, like engines turning on takeoff, or doors closing? A3: There isn't anything outright limiting such animations, though adding different ones for every faction would be a lot of work. We might be able to add such fine details somewhere down the line, and it might cost a bit more. Q4: Will you be able to shoot down incoming missiles? A4: Missiles would be incredibly overpowered if they were an unstoppable force pursuing your ship, so yes, there will be ways to shoot them down, though they aren't a 100% guaranteed defense. A version of the autoturret powered by a light AI will probably be the form it takes, and can benefit from increased or decreased accuracy, with a few variable changes. And perhaps an outgoing conventional projectile or laser bolt triggers the mechanism, in a rare occurrence. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! Hello everyone! Welcome to the eighty-sixth issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. This week, we have some outstanding progress on the planetary front, some more design work for economic systems, and a new planetary structure that will be vital to establishing colonies. Let's get started! Idyllic has been hard at work this week wrapping up the final updates to his old system of planetary generation, marking the end of the old and slow system, and the beginning of his explorations into new processes of making planets as varied and realistic as possible, both to keep them interesting, and to immerse players. This time last week, he had been solving continent growth and collisions, this week he has completed updates to that portion, as well as the wind generation, heat generation, and default moisture generation systems that will all go into generating realistic biome conditions on the final planets. In the process of debugging the collision code, Idyllic generated a few planets and was surprised with how cool they were, even without refining the different variables. Here we have a shallow continent meeting an ocean, which would form a beach, while in the background rises a high continent, meeting the ocean with steep cliffs. Also during his work, he accidentally generated a 5-step planet, which would have taken 3 hours to generate using the old system, but it managed it in about 15 minutes instead. It does have some unique formations, like land-locked plates surrounded by high mountains that will be toned down for the final system, as well as an exceptionally tall mountain visible at the south pole in the image above that could be cool, but isn't quite realistic. As with any new creation, sometimes you find cool things about it that you didn't plan for, and are neat in their existence. Like the insides of the planet, giving you an inverted view of the mountains and continents on the surface that you otherwise couldn't see. Look at the depth of that oceanic trench! And this neat mountain with a lake! Now that he is all caught up with the updates to the old system, and has cut generation time by 80%, Idyllic plans to move forward with planet biome generation, where heat boils ocean water, that is then carried by wind and deposited on land masses, resulting in various climate zones in various places around the planet. We can't wait to see what he comes up with. Idyllic, Skinny, and Lordrex have also spent some time this week developing exactly how contracts and purchasing of goods from other players will work. Every detail from the expiration of requests, how factions will make a profit off of transactions they host, to where transactions can be made, fulfilled, and who gets to know about them. Exciting stuff! This week, Brad has constructed a new planetary structure to assist in the transfer of planetary goods to the far-flung stations of any faction - the Capital Spaceport. Modular arms built like any structure and rising high into the sky will connect with telescoping gantries to any Capital ship small enough to enter orbit, allowing cargo to be loaded and unloaded, machinery and equipment, vehicles to be transported from their construction location to where they're needed, whether that be fighters for the front, or miners for the asteroid belts. Expensive to build, but worth the cost to offload cargo from planets on a large scale, or bring in materials for city building. Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: Will subfactions be able to sell 'salvage' or 'ugly' ships scrapped together from pieces of other ships? A1: If the Ravager appearance is the sort of style you or your band of mercs want to go for, you will definitely be able to submit ships that are unusual in style, you might even be able to get permission from another faction to use their ship parts, or create your own custom pieces. As for in-game mechanics allowing you to piece together broken ships, I wouldn't expect that anytime soon. Q2: Will we be able to move outposts from system to system every once in a while? A2: While we don't have any current plans for moving outposts around, the suggestion has come up quite a few times and would be worth considering. I can see the use in a pirate outpost moving around the asteroid belt to stay hidden, or an outpost for storing and shipping large volumes of cargo wanting to stay in the most efficient place. If outposts prove to be useless if locked in place, we'll look into a semi-movable sort of system after release. Q3: Will there be any sort of 'training mode' for factions to practice with their recruits? A3: While we would prefer you drop them in real combat, that wouldn't be the best process for every sort of training. We'll look into either providing a separate place for practice, or release some scripts for factions to use in their own training simulations, or perhaps we just have a toggle for a Mirror Dimension where nothing is permanent. Q4: Will you have to worry about maintaining orbit around planets like KSP? A4: Not really. While realistically simulating gravity is a cool stunt, I'd think by the time they've developed gargantuan capital ships, they'd at least have figured out a computer capable of keeping the ship hovering in place over a planet, rather than needing constant pilot input. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! Hello everyone! Welcome to the eighty-second issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. This week, we've got continued progress on both the planetary generation and vehicular miniaturization development. Idyllic has picked back up with the old planetary generation scripts, continuing work on updating them to use tables instead of objectvalues, improving loading times substantially. He undertook this project last year when the generation of high-detail planets became too long to be sustainable, taking significant amounts of time to generate just the subdivisions and continents, not even terrain details. Generating 539 planets in that fashion would've been nearly impossible, so a change had to be made. This week, he managed to retrofit the continent selection system, and has moved on to fixing continent collisions, all to speed up generation times. Off to a promising start! He's also continued work on miniaturizing our fleet of ground vehicles, this week shrinking an armored cargo truck and a mobile artillery platform, each with a significant number of wheels to make work. Oddly enough, 6-wheeled vehicles seem to have even less traction than the 4-wheeled vehicle completed last week, probably a side effect of the middle wheels raising the rear ones off the ground - problems to solve another day. The Cargo truck, codenamed the Behemoth, is designed to carry your important cargo cross-planet - carrying important munitions for a planetary invasion, carrying resources to resupply outposts on or past the edge of safe space, or just protecting your usual shipments from pirate attacks, it will undoubtedly come in handy in a variety of situations. The mobile artillery platform is a study but slow vehicle designed to mount and transport the heaviest turrets used to do the most destruction possible to enemy ground forces, from heavy missile launch systems to anti-air guns, this vehicle is sure to be a vital part of ground force defensive and offensive strategies. Shipbuilder SkinnyThePimp has headed off on his continued military schooling, so we won't be hearing from him as much in the coming months. We wish him the best of luck in his duties, and await his return. Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: Will Idyllic destroy the universe? A1: While it is too soon to tell, we have our suspicions... This week, the Community dev_questions channel had a lot of questions and a lot of answers from both Developers and community members, and as far as I can tell, they all got answered, or were questions that had previously been answered. As always, feel free to drop by with any questions you may have, and if its a particularly notable one, you may wind up finding in a newsletter. Until next week! You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! Hello everyone! Welcome to the eighty-first issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. Continuing off of the excellent work with vehicle gravity last week, Idyllic has continued to improve the system, as well as take a first stab at miniaturizing the vehicles, which didn't turn out to be as easy as first expected. To go with his work, a new, larger, generated planet, has been created, with Vedrakkerous working on the details of both planet biomes and other atmospheric effects, like a day-night cycle. After some important tweaks to a scaling plugin to scale the effects of attachments properly, and setting up a specific grouping and process for welding, miniature vehicles got off to a bumpy start. With some interesting results that looked more like a foal trying to stand for the first time, than a suspension system, tweaking of forces was necessary. That was the earliest, most promising results, because when it didn't spasm out like the above, it would either just disappear completely, having been launched out of view in a single frame, or explode into individual pieces. So it may not look like it, but it was very important progress. After extensive work balancing variables, Idyllic managed to get a vehicle that could stand under its own weight, and operate as designed when driven. There are still a few things that need to be smoothed and tweaked a bit more, but the results are looking good. The suspension is a bit rigid going over obstacles, and prone to breaking when hitting anything exceptionally hard or at a weird angle, but nothing unfixable. Idyllic was also able to tweak the radar system to work with planets, the major change being that anything that is at your elevation is displayed as such, even if it is around the curve of the planet making it seem to be below you. So ships strafing you overhead will appear with a riser, showing their location. We look forward to more work on that system moving forward. While Idyllic was working on the technical systems for planets, Vedrakkerous took to improving the green, grassy boring planet Idyllic had been testing on, filling it with biomes like the polar zone, a desert, and some rocky plains. While not officially generated procedurally, these test runs will provide a basis for designing the systems that will generate biomes, using a variety of terrain materials and colors to create unique, and sometimes alien environments. But it wasn't just painting terrain. Other atmospheric touches include a transition from clear at night, showing the thousands of stars, to nearly opaque during the day, resulting in a nice blue sky. And since the day-night cycle moves around the planet, rather than using the Roblox-provided one, the math behind finding where exactly the player was, turned into an interesting challenge that proved to be no match for the two devs. And what's a desert without a pyramid rising from the dunes? Next up on the list of features are a more dynamic camera than one fixed to the back of your turret, and the big challenge of getting characters to rotate to match the surface. We can't wait to see what our talented devs come up within the next week. Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: Will there be scanning of planets to get extra information about them from orbit? A1: Having a readout full of useful, and maybe some not so useful, information display when looking at a planet from orbit would be really cool, adding a bit of extra depth to the universe you're exploring. We'll look into putting important information, like a rough estimate of resources, hazardous conditions, and day length, when we get closer to implementing those sorts of guis. Q2: Will faction members be forced to wear a set uniform, to avoid those embarrassing ones? A2: It will be left up to factions whether to require members to wear a specific uniform, with the possibility of certain accessories being allowed, so characters keep their identity. Or, alternatively, we leave it up to factions entirely to manage their members - there's nothing stopping you from kicking members that violate your rules. Q3: Will we be able to make hovering land vehicles? A3: Of course! Wheeled vehicles may be what we're working on now, but only because they were expected to be the most problematic. Hovering vehicles are a staple of sci-fi, we'd be remiss to not include them. They will of course handle much differently, and will have certain situations where they excel, as well as situations where they hold you back. Q4: What benefit will AI colonists provide to factions? A4: Building a colony on a new world will be a significant step in a factions growth, making them as an interplanetary force to be reckoned with. Besides the boosts to the economy, and increasing faction population statistics, a city on another planet is a significant stronghold should that planet come under attack. Taking care of a colony will reward you with a better presence, and an improved economy that could mean the difference in your military campaigns. Q5: Swarm Missiles over traditional single-shot missiles? A5: We'll look into it, because they're sure cool to watch. Q6: Will there be unarmed combat? A6: In the hopefully rare occurrence that you run out of all ammo while invading a planet's surface, you'll be able to scavenge for other weapons or ammo, bring in shipments on friendly cargo ships, possibly even call down a consumable drop pod with supplies. When that runs out, you'll be provided with a weak laser pistol, that should hold its charge for a significant amount of time. While hand-to-hand combat would be cool, it's not really within the scope of RoVerse, and probably wouldn't work exceptionally well at the tiny scale we're working with. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! Hello everyone! Welcome to the eightieth issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. This week, we have some more exciting work from Idyllic on gravity systems, this time upgraded to vehicles, as well as some more icon work from Mikey. The shipbuilders took a well-deserved week off after their work last week, in the hopes of keeping up with their real-life engagements. Since last weeks explorations into planetary gravity, Idyllic has upped his game to work on the constraint vehicle demo from a few weeks back. Vehicles and other debris can be dropped just like they can be on a flat surface, and bounce around just the same with as much work on the physics end done by Roblox, rather than our coders trying to CFrame every little object. With that comes official support, so as Roblox improves these features, we'll automatically reap the benefits. Early work, shows how vehicles effectively cling to the 'sides' of planets as you drive around, and most importantly, the forces don't pull the vehicle to the centers of triangular faces, which in a triangulated sphere are the closest point to the center. Even with standard Physical Properties, the forces were easily balanced to provide nearly perfect simulation. Driving straight results in a higher speed, turning sharply results in slight drift, all without the need to 'redesign the wheel' and code it from scratch. The biggest challenge of the week was improving traction on slopes. While relatively flat surfaces, and even up to 30° slopes, performed up to expectations, anything steeper than 45° would result in significant sliding backward down the hill. While that might be realistic for your standard car, an APC with 6-wheel drive would be expected to fare a little better. Attempts were made to increase the coefficient of friction between the two surfaces, increase tire surface area, and even add 'spikes' to the tire to simulate treads, but to no avail. The physical form of the wheel and terrain, a cylinder and a flat plane, did not provide the necessary grip to stop the vehicle from sliding, even with maxed out friction settings. So Idyllic had to get creative. With a bit of testing, a few hacked together ideas, and a roll of duct tape, he managed to find a suitable solution - whenever sliding is detected, by a high rate of rotation in the wheels without matching forward velocity, the vehicle shifts into 'low gear' getting an extra boost from a bodythrust, to make it up steep hills. The force is just enough to make it up the slopes it should, without making the vehicle climb vertical walls or sail away into the clouds. Overall, it was a fun and informative experience that provides an optimistic outlook on our plans for the future of ground combat. Going from a vehicle sim that worked well in the normal Roblox world, to our ambitious spherical world was no easy task, but our developers are up to it. And, in the end, having a cool car to drive around a planet and off ramps, was a great reward for a week of hard work. To go along with this work on ground vehicles, Mikey has been working on the set of radar icons to go along with them, including several classes of tanks, mechs, and various other vehicles that will be seen driving around planet surfaces. The radar system to go along with these icons will be a significant challenge, with a ground plane to match the player's angle relative to the center of the planet, but that too should be an exciting obstacle to overcome. Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: Will mining operations be able to take control of a whole planet? A1: We're focusing on a highly player-driven resource gathering plan, at least for the first iteration of RoVerse. An entire planet could be designated by a faction as open for resource gathering, with obvious resulting damage to the environment. Burn the forests, cut down the mountains, make as much money as possible, then move on - will be a valid method of operation. We may consider some automated methods at a later time if gameplay requires it. Q2: Will mining for resources come out in the first patch of RoVerse? A2: Resources are planned to be included in the first version of RoVerse, as they play a very important role in gameplay, from providing an occupation for the numerous members of factions, to being the backbone of fleet construction, to providing a source of income to fund those war efforts. Q3: Will independent planets be able to survive? A3: While unclaimed planets won't be able to resist faction expansion for very long, we may implement a few neutral locations where people can do as they please. And as always, with 220 star systems and 539 planets, there should be plenty of claimed territory that is too far from a faction's gaze to be well-policed, so I'm sure people who wish to remain alone, will be able to find a quiet place. Q4: How will Roblox group-game forts be integrated? Q4: We're planning on implementing a teleport system for the more notable group forts, where if you go to the right location, you can hitch a ride to the corresponding group fort. But it won't have any real impact on the RoVerse game. Q5: Is Idyllic a god? A5: He sure likes to think so, so you should keep stroking his ego. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! Hello everyone! Welcome to the seventy-ninth issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. This week has been pretty quiet, with most of our devs being extremely busy, with school, work, or other engagements. On top of that, there was a major disturbance in the clans and guilds community that required some intense discussion on our future, the clan world's future, and how best to proceed. IdyllicDestroyer has continued to work on planets, with some good progress on spherical gravity using lineforces to pull objects in, like a real planet would. Though it is still in its early stages, the outlook is positive. Several problems still exist to be solved, including how to get humanoids to properly work on a sphere and how to simulate several celestial bodies in one server, in the case that we want a small moon to be accessible from the surface. And since this week was really quiet, he put together a nice demo of the planet generator, and the gravity effecting objects, for you to try out: https://www.roblox.com/games/1347788382/Planet-Gravity-Tests Let him know in the community how it works out. In other news, many of you have heard by now about the situation VAK faced earlier this week. Though the problem has since partially resolved itself, there is no immediate problem, but it has caused us to look into our options when it comes to clans. If you don't know, the group VAK was locked from user access under conspicuous circumstances, with a coincidental update to the ROBLOX Terms of Service. It appears that ROBLOX will be taking a harsher stance on copyrighted material, as well as groups that appear to align with ideas espousing Nazism. While it is certainly acceptable to lock out groups who seek to truly represent those ideals, it is as of yet unclear where ROBLOX moderators will be drawing that line, so in the meantime, it is best to keep the more exotic elements of clans to a minimum. Since VAK has been re-instated as a group, though its assets have been content-deleted, there should be no problem with their eventual planned entry into RoVerse, so don't worry, you'll still be able to declare war on everyone's most hated of enemies when the time comes. For now, though, the RoVerse Devs have begun to consider their options about integrating clans into the RoVerse game more extensively, to avoid these problems in the future to a degree, as well as provide more options for clans moving forward. Since it seems that ROBLOX doesn't intend to add or improve group features any time soon, we make take it on as a project of our own. It could have its own benefits, but it would definitely have its own costs as well. If we were to integrate clans into the game itself, it would require significantly more work, both in developing the systems to operate clans, and to create the backend to support the amount of data that would create. It would reduce the visibility of clans to new and visiting users, who would represent the next generation of clanners, by requiring players enter the game before they can interact with groups. It would interfere with clan independence, requiring them to commit to a system outside of their control, which many would not be agreeable with. All these things would reduce the impact of both RoVerse, and the clan world, and there is no guarantee we would succeed. On the plus side, we could be responsible for implementing those features clans have always wanted, but the site operators never seem to care enough to implement. A more robust ranking and permission system, better clan communication, integrations with outside communication and management systems, like Discord. These things have been discussed over the past week, and as of yet we have made no decision - we will await further information on the status of Groups on ROBLOX, as we proceed. Whatever the final decision that we make, it will always be what is best for you, the players. Lorenzo has been working on another ship for the line we debuted a few weeks ago, with a S Capital to fill in the ranks. With it's own unique shape, matching its larger counterpart, this ship will surely make your fleet stand out. What it lacks in firepower, it makes up for in armor, with a thick hull to deflect any projectile. A size comparison with the larger ship in the line. We'd like to wish SkinnyThePimp a happy birthday this week, and we hope that the next year of his life is as exciting as ever. Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: What sort of opportunities will there be for smuggling? Will we be able to smuggle weapons and rare minerals past faction defenses? A1: Smuggling will be one of the most profitable, as well as dangerous professions to have in RoVerse. While it wont be officially sanctioned by any system to simplify the process, there will be ways of evading the controlling forces of systems, avoiding paying taxes when shipping through their territory, and avoiding anyone else who wants a cut of the product. And any daring player who knows this information, how to get around without being seen, will be able to make great profits shipping all sorts of items all over the galaxy - from black market weapons and stolen faction-exclusive ships, to contraband items and minerals, its all up for grabs. This week there were no unanswered questions in the community, so there won't be any other answers. Thanks to the community members who answered the questions of new followers that had already been answered here. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! Hello everyone! Welcome to the seventy-sixth issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. We hope everyone had a lovely Christmas this past week, and were able to relax for at least a little bit. We've had a busy week around here as well, but we made the most of the free time we have, and some of the boring time while family is around, to work on some pretty cool, and very important features for the game. This week, the development team working on the Capital Update has continued to work hard on finishing everything we will need. When we were trying to rush to release by Christmas, we ended up shelving a few features that we wanted but would take to much time, but now that we missed that original deadline, we can reconsider. And some of those features were pretty vital to extended gameplay, so putting them back in should make the game that much more fun to play. Idyllic finally took on the monumental task of digitizing and organizing the star systems that were designed nearly a year and a half ago, putting them into a handy google sheets database that we can use to manage and keep track of the status of systems, as well as one very important feature - loading the layout of systems from a saved and packed data file. Because the system we have planned uses a trick to create the different star systems, planets, and station servers, we need a way to load that information in, so when a new server is created, it has the most up-to-date and accurate information with which to build the system layout. Rather than have 800 individual place files all in one gigantic universe, our servers will come in about four different flavors, and upon creation, load in the instructed location from an outside source, create the star and its asteroids, the minerals in the debris, any station locations and planets. After the success of organizing the star system data, Idyllic took on the grueling process of not only organizing, but completely creating a list of every planet in the galaxy. With some fancy formulas and a few mistakes, he created an ordered list of all 539 planets to be generated, each with a connection to its host system. Each of these lists includes the necessary information to generate the right biome and size and any other information needed, making it a huge step in getting the game to production. With this work on the database, he also took on the task of giving the galaxy map a facelift, as well as making it load from an external source, rather than a list of systems as originally designed. With the new database of information, he was able to create a much more informative map than was previously possible, with star types and sizes, planets and their orbital radius, and asteroid field biomes. You may remember the old galaxy map. While it served its purpose of organizing the systems of the Galaxy into capturable sectors, it really wasn't prettiest design, and it wasn't the most useful. And for something greeting every player in the lobby server, the galaxy map needs to be both those things. And so Idyllic teamed up with Vedrakkerous, to bring new life to the map. We know that many computers don't handle particles exceptionally well, so keep in mind that these features will be toggleable by the user to better fit their computer's capabilities, including turning down particles, not rendering system biome asteroids, and even as far as turning off planets, to cut down on the part count, which admittedly got a bit high. The map features LightInfluence particles that we can use to show the different sectors of the galaxy, like the Badlands or the Misty Reaches, as well as a toggle to show faction control of systems. Flying through the galaxy really is an amazing experience. With this exceptional progress this week, and future plans to digitize the rest of the pre-planned data that has been sitting around, Idyllic should be pushing progress on the game forward in huge steps in the coming week. This week, Skinny was too busy with real life to make any substantial progress on the ships he's been working on, but he did manage to successfully create a proof-of-concept for planetary atmospheres, simulating that blueish outline visible at a distance, that also falls into shadow behind it, as it should. Add in a lovely generated planet mesh, and fleets will be cruising to invade in no time! This week we have also hired on a new shipbuilder, Lorenzo, and he has already done some amazing work with a particularly unique example for this week. Shaped unlike any other capitals in our fleet, and with more room for armor than weapon emplacements, this Medium Capital should work wonders securing systems and holding the line, while reinforcements can be called in. Welcome to the team! Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: Will a religious faction be allowed in? A1: While we have had many factions discuss their plans in the community about including a religion in their lore, which is entirely acceptable, creating a faction based on a real-life religion would not be allowed. While you may be able to get away with a 'Space Templars' faction, don't expect to use RoVerse to go proselytizing. Q2: What type of machines can we expect for mining into the planet, will we have an ‘unlimited’ inventory to hold the ores or will you put it in a container? A2: Mining on planets is still in the design phase, but it won't be all that different from mining asteroids with a dedicated mining ship. We plan to include mining lasers as possible attachments to vehicles, for fast and rough mining, as well as mining on foot that might get you a bit more efficiency, into harder-to-reach places, but be a bit slower to operate. As for digging in to planets, you should expect only minimal changes to terrain, not significant mining tunnels or the like, at least at release. This isn't quite minecraft after all. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! Hello everyone! Welcome to the seventy-third issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. It's been a wonderful few weeks with a lot of new features released perfect for developers, and in our case, for creating fantastic effects that make our game that much cooler. And so, our developers have been hard at work performing advanced scientific work on the applications these new features have. First up, the 100k stud clipping distance expansion. While for most maps currently on roblox, extending the clipping distance past 5000 studs in any direction won't make too much of a difference. But in the space genre, this has always been a problem. You'll be flying along in your ship and suddenly, a giant planet appears out of nowhere! Then you crash into it and explode. But now, with an expanded distance, you'll be able to see as far as you want, in any direction! We had tried to solve this problem by scaling down ships, and working on an object-to-surfacegui script to fake things past the view distance, but with this update, we'll have to fake it no longer! So in our final release, you'll be able to see as far as you want, and with Morgan working on our amazing star system generation scripts, you'll be able to see everything in each system, from the stars to the asteroids, to any capital ships warping in! There are still quite a few benefits to keeping ships scaled down significantly, so for now, that will remain a feature of the game. Also newly released this week, was the glass material. While still a bit buggy, this material offers some unique features that we might be able to use, most importantly the lensing effect. Ved has done a few tests that look quite promising. In other news, Skinny has continued his work on a large Cargo cruiser ship, designed to carry as much cargo as you or your faction needs. And RobustTitan has taken over work on the Industrial Outpost Interiors from Galbotrix, with some new details to spice up the layouts a bit. Progress on the Dogfight Alpha Capital Update is progressing exceptionally well, with lots of new features getting coded in daily. This week saw the implementation of the Radar Gui that Idyllic has been scripting, the Chat gui, the Health, Shield, and Speed display, and the rest of that lovely UI Ved designed a few weeks back ported over and polished up a bit. There have also been bug fixes on a number of fronts, from ship selection to combat, as well as the addition of ship trails and new, updated sound effects. We're excited to see the rest of the game come together in the coming weeks, nice work to TheFurryFish and SmellyPencil! This is just about your last chance to sign up for the Dogfight Alpha Tournament. Sign up with a team of your friends and prove who's the best pilot in the galaxy. You can find the form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17KKApFQwTK-EW0uWbNQlWvq0i7OXem1Hf4YVh4SVOn4/viewform?edit_requested=true We should be announcing the date or dates of the battle soon, so don't wait too long! Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: Will there be implemented mysteries ingame by the developers for extra fun and adventure? A1: There might be! And it wouldn't be much fun if we went and told you about them... Q2: Will there be limits on how many sub-factions can be created? A2: Starting up a subfaction won't be as easy as picking a name, there will be a significant cost to creating a new subfaction, to make sure you have the resources to succeed, and the dedication to lead a group of people to victory, either economic or otherwise. Q3: In this RoVerse community server, will there be new chats or maybe a whole new server only for the game which could, perhaps, be composed of a Trade chat so people can make offers, bounties, job employments ads and things like that? A3: Upon release, the Community server will receive a full overhaul in preparation for a new purpose - supporting a larger community, with functions for trade, hangouts for different groups, and so much more! Q4: Assuming a faction decides to withdraw from RoVerse a few months after game release for "x" reason, how would the mods handle it? Choose a random subfaction which occupies the territory and set it (if they're willing) as an official faction or simply remain unclaimed? A4: In the unfortunate case of a faction deciding that RoVerse isn't for them, we'll probably let the course of 'nature' take over. Each week they lose a system to invading forces, get pushed back to their origin system, and eventually Capital planet, until they meet their doom. If the members then decide to completely give up, that faction will never resurface. We might keep the capital city ruins around as a landmark, but they won't return. Q5: Will there be points of interests scattered around the map that could be related to a faction's lore but serve no purpose whatsoever? Like for instance, an ancient battleship wreckage, an abandoned space station, a hidden underground facility. Those points of interests would of course contain logs or things to collect which would explain a faction's lore or what happened in the location they are in, and maybe even make references to other events that happened during the faction's past? A5: We want a faction's presence to be a part of the wider galaxy, making RoVerse more than just a giant empty space game. We'll definitely work with factions to include monuments from their lore with a few restrictions, to better immerse the player in a giant galaxy where things actually happen. Q6: Will system expansions be a thing? Such as 6 months to one year after release, we'd get a bunch of new systems added to the game, maybe a whole new cluster. If yes, how will they be implemented? Since simply throwing them at the corner of the map wouldn't be fair, maybe put a neutral area for transition to a new galaxy or an undiscovered area? A6: In the eventual case that a system expansion is necessary, we'll have more firm details on how exactly an expansion would work, but we'll look into expanding the map with more interstellar systems, systems in new arms of the galaxy, or perhaps a whole new level above or below the current plane. We'll just have to see! Q7: How will exploration work? Will all information be known in advance when a fleet gets into a system or will you have to scan planets, survey them, maybe make maps of them or something? A7: Exploration will be an important part early in the game, for factions looking for specific mineral locations or which systems to invade and capture, what sources an enemy has control over. We've been thinking about including some sort of science vessel that's purpose is to scan objects to determine precise information, rather than just relying on what players report and see. And making maps of planets seems like a fun little task to do, especially if you can sell the data you've collected, or hide base locations on a faction planet. Q8: Will Vaktus ever talk in the Discord again? A8: Probably only if he's really needed for something. He's a very busy man. Q9: Can a ship owner customize their ship to their liking? A9: We have a whole host of features planned for customizing ships, from naming it after your favorite ship from history, to changing colors and textures, to changing weapons and consumables equipped. Each ship should, if the owner puts in a bit of effort, be completely their own. And there's always the option to start a subfaction and submit your own ship designs, or pay a subfaction to do it for you! Q10: How will attacks work when no one is present to defend? A10: Faction system defense takes place on a regular, predictable, weekly cycle, so that a faction can marshal their forces and defend it at a variety of predetermined times, to either successfully defend, or fail and lose their star system. Outposts and bases on the other hand, as territory controlling devices and defensive positions, are open to attack for a longer length of time. We're still nailing down the details, but it will probably be most of the time, to all of the time. You'll need to have a few friends around to defend them, and they will be heavily protected by weapons systems, but don't leave them unattended for too long. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Any fans of the science fiction genre on Roblox can join the Science Fiction Genre Discord and find other fans and developers like you. Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! Hello everyone! Welcome to the seventy-second issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. This week, our devs have all been hard at work on a variety of tasks, from using the new beams feature to upgrade and update warp effects, to building ships, to adding more features to the radar gui. With some incredible progress to show, let's get right to it. You may remember a newsletter quite a ways back showing a demo of a warp field, and an even older newsletter with the jump gate portal made out of spiraling particles. Over the past week, our best effects experts have been updating and upgrading those effects using the new beam effect. This version is much less intense, especially for lower-end computers, making sure anyone is able to fly through a wormhole or a jump gate without a problem. We all can't wait to get the chance to fly a ship through one of these portals, and end up someplace completely different. What lies beyond these wormholes is for the adventurous and the brave to find out! We've also had some devs get back to work developing new capital ships, including this lovely ship developed by JangofettAlex. With its unique shape, and fancy exterior, any pilot can cruise and command the galaxy in style. Skinny has had quite the busy week, but he has continued his work on a large cargo ship that he has been working on. He's been busy adding details to the ship, like container numbers - it's important to keep who owns what cargo straight, or the unwitting captain might start an interstellar war. Idyllic has been quite busy as well, this close to the end of the semester, but he managed to add another important feature to the radar system - beacons. Beacons mark locations out of range of a ships radar system of important structures in a system, like the location of access wormholes, jumpgates, stations, and planets, showing them around the edge of the radar in the direction they lie. These locations will be visible in the HUD as billboard guis, but being able to see the ones behind and to the sides of your ship will come in handy. Seen in this demo are a planet icon, a wormhole, a jump gate, and a few fighters, as well as some capital target identifiers used to test the system, including weapons control, hangar, and a very far off escape pod. Thanks to Mikey for creating such a lovely set of icons for the radar. And the Capital Update dev team has been hard at work as well, and we're getting ever closer to release of that exciting update. This is just about your last chance to sign up for the Dogfight Alpha Tournament. Sign up with a team of your friends and prove who's the best pilot in the galaxy. You can find the form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17KKApFQwTK-EW0uWbNQlWvq0i7OXem1Hf4YVh4SVOn4/viewform?edit_requested=true We should be announcing the date or dates of the battle soon, so don't wait too long! Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: Will cities have a more detailed district for when people walk in as opposed to doing a quick flyover? A1: One of the limits behind generating cities procedurally is that there really isn't an option to create a more detailed version of the city without some human interaction. That's why we're putting so much effort into designing somewhat realistic cities, so that they feel like cities, with roads to drive your tanks down. We're still courting the idea of clan-built capital sectors accessible through landmark structures and place teleports, so that factions, if they put the effort in designing their own structures, we can integrate them in some way. Q2: Will factions have theme songs that play when they fly into battle? A2: While this wouldn't be supported on our end, there's nothing stopping a faction discord from broadcasting theme music to get their troops prepped for battle in a voice chat. We'll be sure to include a mute function so you can turn off the epic music Animula's created and listen to your own, without missing the sounds of people shooting at you. Q3: Will there be an alpha for ground battles as there is for space battles? A3: More likely than not, since planets will definitely be the most intense part of the game and we'll need to test how well they perform. That, and we do love showing off our work whenever possible. Q4: Will large capitals be able to use Time Dilation? A4: While cool when used effectively, especially in single player games, in the multiplayer world, I feel like messing with the speed players move and are used to at arbitrary times might be more frustrating than its worth. But we might keep it under consideration. Q5: Will structures have health? A5: Of course, that has always been planned. Static structures will have a bit more health than normal, and probably some sort of defense mechanism, and the owner should be around to protect it, but we don't want anything to be too permanent. Pretty much everything but a faction capital will be able to be completely destroyed, with enough effort. Q6: Will there be locker rooms around for you to change clothes on your character? A6: We want characters to be as personal as possible, even more so than those on the Roblox website, so the ability to purchase clothes and other items has always been planned. And changing into a group uniform before a battle, or putting on a new purchase should be as easy as possible. Expect changing rooms on stations near stores, as well as options to equip items from your inventory screen, for ease of access. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Any fans of the science fiction genre on Roblox can join the Science Fiction Genre Discord and find other fans and developers like you. Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! |
January 2023
AuthorsVaktus: Leader of the Vaktovian Empire and head of the RoVerse Project |