Hello everyone! Welcome to the tenth issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week! If you missed the ninth issue you can view it here: https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=197745824 It's been another great week of progress bringing us one more step closer to the Dogfight Alpha's release. With Voile and Galbotrix joining the team, we now have scripters from many major clans including WIJ and VS helping us to bring the clan world together towards a brighter future! We've got lots to tell you about the lore of corporations in RoVerse and even an opportunity for you to come up with your own ship manufacturer to be in the game's civilian ship line-up. But for now, we'll begin this week's showcase of progress with the first set of hand-held weaponry which consist of a mix of under just 20 bricks and unions (each around 500-700 triangles maximum), making these guns very high performance while maintaining a sleek and clean appearance. As you can see, these guns all share a common design, which is because they belong to the same arms manufacturer. All of the civilian non-clan-specific weapons of RoVerse will generally be designed by specific companies with their own lore/backstory and specific aesthetic and design styles. Next up we have the latest ships added to our fast-expanding collection: Those of you who have been following RoVerse's progress may notice a similar design theme with the first two of these ships. Just like the guns, the civilian ships of RoVerse also have their own manufacturers and backstory If you have a creative imagination you might find *your* ship style joining the fleet with our corporation competition explained at the end of the newsletter! Plenty of scripting work being done with ThePlanckConstant cleaning up and refining the flight mechanics, Opacor setting up the player account and data systems, Voile coding functionality to the shop GUI interface/item info and Ninja integrating ground combat features. Unfortunately a screenshot of a page of code wouldn't be very interesting so you'll just have to wait until the next scripted feature is complete for footag But don't worry, we've got your weekly dose of eye ###d##### set with the next showcase of progress! More speedy work being made on the player outposts of RoVerse, with further sections of the commercial variant completed. Simultaneously constructing the industrial outpost variant for any of you who might like the idea of building your own massive factory complex and conquering the galactic market for ship and equipment production. Finally, we have a challenge for all of you who are interested in expressing your creativity - a competition to write the lore and description of your own ship manufacturer! If you'd like to take part and have a shot at getting your idea into the game then send a PM to RoVerse_Official on ROBLOX with: An original backstory for a corporation that designs and produces starfighters along with a picture of the ship style the corporation would use in their designs, this picture can be from Google images, a movie, anything that has a cool space fighter in it. The winner of the competition will have their idea used for inspiration of one of the civilian ship lines in the finished game, good luck! We've hit ten whole weeks of game development and the time has flown by! RoVerse has grown so tremendously and so rapidly that it has truly gone beyond all expectations I originally had for the project. It's a dream come true for all of us who have long wished for a real world for clans to live in and it's all thanks to your support, thank you all so much. Comments are closed.
January 2023
AuthorsVaktus: Leader of the Vaktovian Empire and head of the RoVerse Project |