Hello everyone! Welcome to the 163rd issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week. This week we have made continued progress in updates to the Dogfight Alpha and system generation. Legomadamada has continued his work on asteroid generation and is getting closer to producing beautiful asteroid ring fields. It took a lot of work to give the rings a natural dispersed look, but the results look great! Having these asteroid fields in each system will provide points of interest for mining, secret outposts, and the occasional debris field. lordrex12345 has been making slow but steady progress in getting the ship mechanics code ported to the Freeroam version of RoVerse. We want to make sure that the code we add is scalable and supportive of new additions down the road. As we've iterated through versions of the dogfight code, we're getting cleaner and more efficient systems that we will use in the Freeroam release. Much of the progress made thus far with ship mechanics is on the back-end of things, so that doesn't make for a great visual, but don't worry, we've got that covered! This is a little demo of our warp system. Players will see something like this when they are traveling across a system. The particle effects will likely change, but the gif demonstrates how the warp framework will function. This week's reigning dogfight champion is Imaboss2122 with 35 kills and 5 deaths making for a KDR of 7. We had a total of 80 kills this week. Weapon of choice: Plasma (46 kills) Ship of choice: Sentinel (18 kills) If you'd like to check out the rest of our data, you can find the spreadsheet here: Phase 1 Data (Week 7) Now that we've come to the end of the 7th week of combat in the Dogfight, it is time to crown the champion pilot of this series. We have compiles the stats, tabulated the values, and come up with the grand winner who wins not just fame and glory, but also an exclusive skin for a ship of their choice. Most of you should already know who the grand champion is, but first some other interesting stats about the dogfight. There have been 850 unique players who have joined the dogfight, with a total of 1,973 visits in the first series. The game has a 75% approval rating, with 69 likes to 22 dislikes, not bad at all. Of the 850 players, 187 players achieved at least 1 kill, 353 players died at least once, and there were 4865 kills total. Of the 4865 kills, 1496 of them were with Laser turrets, 1262 with Plasma, 1288 with Auto, 586 with Railgun, 190 with Beam, and 33 with Torpedo. The Excalibur edged out the Sentinel for top kills, with 1367 to the Sentinel's 1030. 24 different ships were used to get at least 1 kill. Now for the moment you've all been waiting for - naming the Grand Champion! You already know who it is, but the question is by how much. Imaboss2122 tops the leaderboard with 1475 kills to 278 deaths. He officially wins the grand prize for series 1, congratulations! Second place on the leaderboard belongs to FangABXY, with 331 kills. Better luck next series! Mrqueep holds the record for highest KDR, at 7.28 with 51 kills and only 7 deaths. The lowest KDR is held by Conseylwa, with a .01 KDR. Keep at it! Juszl had the highest KDR of the devs, with 1.35. If you'd like to check out the rest of our data, you can find the spreadsheet here: Phase 1 Data (Championship Series 1) Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: Can factions make their own custom hangars for the dogfight? A1: If a faction really wants to go to that effort, we can make it work. Q2: Will any code be added to the Dogfight to defend against kill/credit stealing? A2: This is something that we would like to support in the future. It's not on the top of our priority list, but it is on our radar. Q3: What happens when a capital ship is destroyed? A3: The destruction of a capital ship is a large-scale event. When it does occur, we want to create a debris field that players can interact with for a set period of time. Factions who submit their own capital ships can also submit wrecked versions of the ship to be used in debris fields. If one is not provided, a simple substitute will be made. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us! If you want to catch any of our developers streaming, you can always follow our official Twitch channel here! Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website, or by contacting an Administrator in the community Discord! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! Comments are closed.
January 2023
AuthorsVaktus: Leader of the Vaktovian Empire and head of the RoVerse Project |