Hello everyone! Welcome to the eighteenth issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we've made over the past week! We're into the first week of November and into the deadline period we're hoping to release the Dogfight Alpha in. Unfortunately, due to end of term exams our scripters have been forced to spend this week focusing on their studies, meaning the alpha won't be releasing just yet. However we have still been making progress in all other areas of development and tomorrow we we'll be uploading a new episode of our Guide to RoVerse developer diaries, where we'll talk about how outposts will function in the game! Lots of our progress will be seen throughout the video, as you may recognise if you've been following our weekly project updates. On that subject, there seems to be a great many of you who are only just discovering RoVerse for the first time each passing week, as shown by many questions being asked that have already been answered in the past. To remedy this, we have taken the suggestion of one member of the RoVerse Community group and created a Frequently Asked Questions page comprised of all the past Q&A sessions we've had throughout development. This new FAQ page should help all new fans to get up to date on all the current info we've released on RoVerse - you can find this page here: http://ro-verse.weebly.com/faq.html The new developer diary also includes new work we've done on the outposts, Idyllic has been hard at work on the latest pirate outpost builds: With the majority of outpost exterior construction completed, we're now beginning work on the interiors which we're very excited about. More good news is that Andross has returned from being away to sort out real life matters and will now be continuing work on the hub station interiors: The outposts aren't the only area of development reaching completion, we've also finished all ship designs that will be implemented into the Dogfight Alpha. So instead of ship building, HeroMaster has spent this week writing up the descriptions and history of each ship manufacturing corporation: Unlimited Frontiers and Starship Manufacturing Pick a star and go there. Created out of a need to facilitate free trade and exploration, the UFSM made deals with several exploration, mining, and trade corporations to gain exclusive rights to sell them specialty ships. Unfortunately, the deals fell through and the UFSM was forced to sell their ships at low price to civilian consumers, flooding the market with viable freelance trade, mining, and exploration vessels - subsequently (and ironically) bankrupting some of companies that backed out of the deal. Known vessels: L-Class Savannah M-Class Danube Paragon Dynamics Cut a path through the skies. Founded by a conglomerate of veteran naval officers whose goal was to arm small planetary militias and benevolent mercenary guilds, Paragon Dynamics set about making affordable, reliable, and modifiable "militarized" civilian vessels. The end product wasn't very modifiable or powerful, but the Excalibur line became one of the most recognizable fighter designs in the galaxy, serving mercs, pirates, and militias alike. Known vessels: L-Class Excalibur L-Class Halberd Kobune-Yoi Interplanetary Swift Wings - Sharp Beak When eccentric billionaire artists try to start starship manufacturing companies, the result is unpredictable, and nobody predicted the success of Kobune-Yoi's line of "traditionally inspired" ships. The board of the directors "assisting" said billionaire were sure to make them cost efficient at the expense of a number of other things, resulting in in a bungled release campaign. Despite this, the near infinite funds poured into the project made it a relative success and the company has survived to this day. Known vessels: L-Class Hummingbird H-Class Cardinal Roswell Industries Devoted to keeping you thinking big. With the rise of independent trading, mining, and exploration, several scientific groups claimed that there were no ships catering to their needs: ships specifically built for scientific missions. Roswell Industries was formed by science industry supporters to complete this task, but with a caveat. All the ships produced for scientists would have retrofit equivalents also released to civilian pilots for purchase. Within two and a half years and thanks to the successful ad campaign "Now you can too!" the line of "science" ships became a mainstay in the public eye. Known vessels: L-Class Procyon M-Class Centuri Parakeet Corp Go fast with big guns. For twenty years, starship racing leagues enjoyed exclusive ship design contracts with a number of manufacturers and engineering teams. However, after a period of constant fatal incidents where poor designs and safety testing were the cause, almost all of the contracts fell through and leagues needed a new provider of quality fast ships. Thus, Parakeet Corp was formed. Now, years after their inception, classic racing ships have been updated with the latest technology (and weaponry!) and released to the public. Known vessels: L-Class Pulsar M-Class Comet Nyte Manufacturing Shhh. Fly silent. Founded by a former guerilla warfare expert, rebel, and engineer, Nyte Manufacturing hasn't strayed far from its roots. High speed, high damage are at the top of every engineer's checklist for design priorities and each ship is built for stealth. While the initial goal was to sell the ships to supplies-starved rebel groups (whose causes were deemed just by the CEO) and militias fighting much larger enemies, the ships often ended up in the hands of espionage groups, assassins, mercs, and pirates. Nevertheless their ships are regarded as the greatest ally you'll never see, or the enemy you'll dread for the same reason. Known vessels: L-Class Shuriken H-Class Silencer Blackstar Heavy Industries Industry veterans you can trust. When Blackstar was founded, they were initially considered a branch of Paragon Dynamics. The group that became attracted to the ships, however, were the ex-military officers whose records weren't exactly spotless. In a devastating act of corporate warfare, Blackstar was forcibly ejected from the Paragon group for selling specifically to pirates in order to get militias to buy their other ships. Blackstar still denies these claims and operates with the single goal of eliminating their former colleagues - not literally, of course. It's just business. Known vessels: L-Class Red Wolf M-Class Blue Komodo Argon Engineering Corporation At the forefront of starship perfection. Five years ago, a group of explorers working for an archaeologist found a still functional craft from one of the Old Wars. Within the week they'd been fired, the archaeologist patented whatever he could reverse engineer, and he formed A.E.C. However, he couldn't remake the original design, so the resulting Argon ships are a combination of new and old technology. Their slim profiles and maneuverability make them prized interceptors and racing ships, but the secretive nature of the company HQ and CEO (supposedly to prevent corporate espionage or assassin) makes seeing them a rarity. Known vessels: L-Class Mercury M-Class Iridium Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall, so be sure to join if there's something you'd like to ask about RoVerse: https://www.roblox.com/Groups/Group.aspx?gid=2948290 Q1: In ground combat, will infantry have classes similar to Battlefield's classes (medic, assault, recon, support), or will we be able to customize our kit? A1: Much like space combat, you will be able to purchase your equipment from stations or planetary bases that you bring with you into combat. These won't be specific classes, but there will be weapons that have specific advantages in certain areas, such as sniper rifles when you plan on long-range engagements. Q2: Will infantry play just as big a role as mechanized infantry, tanks and other vehicles, or will vehicles steamroll infantry? A2: Infantry will have a major advantage over vehicles in that they are very hard to detect other than by other infantry. This makes troops very important for a combined offensive as they will be responsible for the protection of their armoured forces. Q3: Will guns be 3rd-person or 1st-person (or will it be optional)? A3: We held a community-wide poll on how on-foot combat will function and the decision that was reached was for 1st person shooter style gameplay with optional over-the-shoulder view similar to games like Armed Assault. Q4: Will there be a political map for leaders to see alliances and relations between nations? A4: Good question! There will indeed be different view modes on the galactic map which can show the territories of either factions, alliances, allies of your clan and enemies of your clan. Q5: Will it be in R6 or R15? Or will it be optional? A5: This is still to be decided, we'll likely have a community vote on it as we did with the combat system. This is only the first stage of RoVerse's development yet we're already so ecstatic to show you what we've made and what RoVerse has in store for our community! It won't be long now before you can begin honing your dogfighting skills to become a true ace pilot. We'll see you all tomorrow with the newest episode of the Guide to RoVerse developer diaries!
Mike Smith
11/6/2016 10:23:57 am
You put #17 in the title, but it's #18. :)
Mike Smith
11/6/2016 09:22:42 pm
You got it
11/6/2016 09:38:06 pm
Ah we were just testing to make sure you guys were paying attention! Comments are closed.
January 2023
AuthorsVaktus: Leader of the Vaktovian Empire and head of the RoVerse Project |