Hello everyone! Welcome to the thirty-fifth issue of the RoVerse Development Newsletter, where we keep you updated on the progress we’ve made over the past week! This week, Idyllic has been furthering his work on planetary generation while most of us have been bogged down with testing and sickness. At the moment, Idyllic has completed the planetary generation for wind, heat and moisture, and managed to get them all interacting on a massive level. Now, what else does our mighty creator (and destroyer) of worlds need to create a fully functioning planet? Plate collisions! In the real world, the surface of planets is determined by shifting plates, so mountains will generate where plates collide and press against one another and massive trenches will occur where they spread apart. Idyllic has been managing to simulate this to create a more accurate, and less random form of planetary generation so that the topography of planets can be simulated more accurately. Red particles are representative of the collisions between each plate, and areas between these plates would have large mountains or deep trenches into the ocean. Some planets will have very few plates, and will be relatively flat, however others may have a massive amount of plates and be covered in massive mountains that make it very hard to travel on land. It will be very exciting to see how the plate-system Idyllic has developed interacts with the wind, moisture and heat already present in planetary generation, and it will be even more interesting to see what other ideas he can come up with for planetary generation! In other news, Andross has returned from his two months of obligatory military service, and will hopefully be able to rejoin us in development once he is situated again! We look forward to seeing his work, and we hope you guys do too! As for the rest of us, we are primarily busy with our upcoming exams, such as Advanced Placement tests and the ACT/SAT for those of us in the United States. This is probably the busiest part of the year for most students, especially those in advanced courses, and we are pretty sure you guys are feeling the strain too, especially if you are trying to run groups during this time period! Each week we compile a Q&A section here whenever there are any new questions posted on the RoVerse Community group wall or in the Community Discord Server. Be sure to join if you have any questions about RoVerse: ROBLOX Group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2948290 Discord server: https://discord.gg/npxBGwJ Q1: Will there be a public transportation system? A1: Since everyone will be able to own and fly their own ship, there would be very little need for a public transportation system operated by the game, though there is the possibility of a sub-faction offering ferrying services between faction stations or planets, but it would have to be entirely user-driven. Q2: When taking over a planet, will there be an AI occupation force that we have to defeat? A2: At this point, that seems unlikely. AI are expensive to run on servers, and having a large enough force to combat players effectively, is limited by the platform. While we have talked about AI fauna in the past, they will likely be few and far between, to keep the servers running smoothly, though if we find an effective way to implement them, they would be great to have. Q3: How far will economy management go for clans? Will we have to manage everything down to weapon production? A3: While some people enjoy EVE Online for its many, many spreadsheets, and fine-tuned economic systems, RoVerse caters more to the adventurers and communities of people who want to have fun together, than the number crunchers. While we do intend to have some management by clan leaders, at this point it is still unclear. Q4: Are there any plans for sabotage so we can cripple an enemies economy? A4: A rogue team of spies infiltrating an enemy station to destroy an ore processing machine is a cool idea, and one that we hope to be able to pull off - of course, it would need to be extensively balanced, since no one is around 24-7 to guard everything, and could be overpowered. Q5: Will there be a limit to how big or powerful a ship can be? A5: As of now, there are no set ship size/power limits, but if you are expecting your clan to submit only death star sized battle stations, that probably won't work - ships will be balanced to keep things fair. You should just worry about making your ships look cool, and match your clan's style, we'll take care of the rest. Q6: Do clans need to build entire cities for RoVerse or just submit their architecture? A6: Details will be provided in the future about what exactly clans will need to submit in regards to assets, but you probably won't have to build entire cities, just a few building modules at high and low resolution. You can support us by joining our Community Group or Discord server! So far, the community has been absolutely amazing, supportive, and very friendly. We are very appreciative of all the support you guys show us!
Remember, we are always looking for new, talented builders, scripters and artists! If you’d like to help us you can always get in touch with us through RoVerse_Official on the ROBLOX website! Don’t worry, we don’t bite! ~Written by Aleuvian ~Edited by IdyllicDestroyer Comments are closed.
January 2023
AuthorsVaktus: Leader of the Vaktovian Empire and head of the RoVerse Project |